Enfield Choral Society

Enfield Choral Society enjoys a friendly and helpful association with St Stephen’s Church, which has been our base for a number of years. The choir rehearses at St Stephen’s on Tuesday evenings during term-time from 7.25pm to 9.40pm, with a 15 minute break for refreshments and a chat.


We aim to perform four concerts each year.  Whilst these are held in a number of local churches (depending primarily on the suitability of a venue for the accompaniment required for the particular concert programme) our Christmas Concert is always held at St Stephen’s. We greatly appreciate the church’s great architecture and excellent acoustics.


We sing a wide range of music, predominantly classical.  Our autumn and spring concerts typically include religious choral works by well-known composers, whereas the summer concert is usually lighter music, such as songs from musicals or from Gilbert & Sullivan operettas. Our Musical Director, Mark Sproson, is an experienced and innovative professional musician and choral director.


As a result of the pandemic the choir is currently smaller than for many years, with between 50 and 60 members.  We would like to build up to our previous strength of 70-80 singers and places are available in all voice parts.  Enthusiasm and the ability to sing in tune are more important than previous choral experience.

Being able to read music is helpful but not essential.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact membership@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk.